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MXGP Russia: Pocock disqualified from EMX250

Red plate holder Mel Pocock (REVO Husqvarna UK) was sensationally disqualified from the results of today’s EMX250 race at round three of the series at Orlyonok in Russia.

The Brit, who won the title in 2012, had an eight-point lead after the opening two rounds in Spain and Portugal but tempers boiled over in Russia this afternoon after he crashed with title rival Pierre Goupillon (Bud Racing Kawasaki) while fighting for fourth on lap two.

With the Frenchman’s machine lying on top of his, Pocock tipped it off and down a steep bank before restarting near the back and charging back into the points at the end of the 25-minute plus two lap race. However, his transgression was noticed by officials and he was excluded from the results.


He’ll now start tomorrow’s second EMX250 moto third in points, 12 adrift of new leader Giuseppe Tropepe (Yamaha) from Italy and five behind team-mate Martin Barr.

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