The BMCRC has issued this statement about the May 11 meeting at Brands Hatch:
Many of you will now be aware that the BSB raceday at the Brands GP meeting on Sunday 6th April was abandoned due to adverse weather conditions. The Club was approached by Motorsport Vision Racing (MSVR) on the morning itself to discuss resheduling the BSB meeting on the weekend of our GP meeting on 10-11th May. The Club has cooperated with this request and has been working with MSVR to assist them in creating a new meeting using our original dates. The direct implications for the classes that were sheduled to run in the BMCRC-MRO meeting that weekend are as follows: THE MRO CLASSES: MRO Superteens, Pirelli-Metzeler MRO Superstock 1000, MRO Supersport 600 and the MRO Triumph Triple Challenge will all run as guest classes within this new BSB meeting. Practice, qualifying and races will be over the two days, 10th & 11th (See the draft timetable in Downloads). The Club will operate in the outer paddock using BMCRC resources for Technical Inspection, signing-on and collecting area administration. Our usual paddock support suppliers will be in attendance. Entry forms that riders have already sent in are vaild for this meeting and riders still yet to enter should do so immediately to secure their place at what will be a unique event. Please note the testday planned for Friday 9th May is cancelled. In order to redress the loss of the May GP meeting for other BMCRC members the Superstock 1000 and Supersport 600 classes are to forgo their rounds at the Brands meeting at the end of the season, September 27-28th. Adjustments to points scoring within each (now 9 rounds) championship will be announced soon after further consultation. We hope riders in these championships understand this change as it enables the following... ALL OTHER BMCRC CLASSES AFFECTED: BCL Watches BMCRC Minitwins, Thunderbike UK, BMCRC Powerbikes, EDIasia BMCRC Formula 400 will all have their missed rounds from the May GP meeting reinstated later in the year. Agreement has been reached with MSVR to change the planned September meeting from Indi to GP circuit. A revised entry form and entry fee will be issued in due course, priority will be given to riders who had already submitted their entries for the September meeting. If you've not yet done so, please now wait for the new entry form to be issued. The restructuring of championships that have lost a round will be discussed with the class reps and further information per clas will be advised in due course. The Club thanks MSVR for the swift effort made to secure this new arrangement. BRITISH F1 SIDECARS, BRITISH/EUROPEAN SUPERMONO: We also regret to advise that the two British Championship rounds for F1 Sidecars and Supemono scheduled for the May GP meeting are lost, discussions are in progress with the respective associations to see if these can be restaged. The European component of the Supermono event will also be lost as it is not feasible to restage this round in the UK with the other commitments that the European Supermono Association has.