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FPW Maxilead Metals rider Joel Williams is putting a poor season opening weekend behind him at Mallory Park and is looking to stand on the podium at the next Thundersport round at Cadwell Park.

A lack of setup time and some back luck for Williams in the GP3 class, which was dominated by Red Bull Rookie Fraser Rogers, saw him crash out of two races but salvage a sixth in the third. Team-mate Tom Carne finished all three and sits ninth in the championship standings.

“Mallory didn’t go to plan at all and results were a disappointment for both myself and the team. However I still feel as though a lot of positives came from the meeting," said Williams.


"We never got the qualifying setup just quite right in the first session but the second was an vast improvement but weather hampered us from getting a front row start. The races also showed that our race pace was a good as anyone and the lead in the first race was an example of this.

"For me though, the final race of the weekend was the biggest positive. I know finishing sixth doesn’t get me on the podium but the final race quickest lap was 300th of a second off the best lap the winner put in during the race.

"I’m so looking forward to Cadwell. My season's bad luck has been used up and now we can progress and get on that front row and podium. Where we belong.”

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