Five wins in the last six races and a new outright lap record of 117.119mph means Ben and Tom Birchall are the current three-wheel Kings of the Mountain and will certainly be the pre-race favourites at TT 2018. And whilst that doesn’t automatically mean there’ll win, it’ll take a brave man to bet against them.
“Everything has gone brilliantly these last few years and while we’re limited with the rules with how much further we can go, we’re doing everything we can to evolve and improve further,” Ben told
“The racing needs to be affordable but the outfit will have a few differences this year compared to last and whilst it’s not something I tend to do, I’ve looked at the sector times a bit more just to make sure our preparation is as good as it possibly can be.
“The nature of the sport means improvements can be made everywhere and we’ve got another year’s experience while it always amazes me how much you learn after being away for a year. At the same time, you only get one go at the TT each year so you have be careful how far you push things. That’s why it’s evolution and not revolution.”
One area where the sidecar class has suffered in recent years is a drop in the number of outfits on the grid with a relative lack of young blood coming through. It’s an area that Birchall agrees is a concern but is also quick to point out that the quality is as high as ever.
“I never think I’ve got the edge over anyone and will come as a team 100% prepared, give it our best shot and see what happens. The front end of the field is as competitive as ever and you can’t discount any of the top six. My approach is that anyone in a sidecar at the TT is a rival and they’re all trying as hard as each other to get a result.
“It’s hard to say how many teams we need at the TT but whilst there might not be many new drivers coming through, those that are – the likes of Alan and Peter Founds and Lewis Blackstock - are quality acts as you can see from their lap times.”
“It would be nice to have some younger teams getting involved so the numbers can be sustained and as chassis builders, it’s our priority to supply bikes that allow people to go racing. Filling the shoes of Louis Christen (LCR) is not easy as he’s an incredible man who’s designed and built outfits for years but we’re learning all the time.”