Mar-Train Racing boss Tim Martin has decided to withdraw his team from racing after 11 years at the sharp end.
The Lisburn based team did have the option to extend their official Yamaha UK road race deal for a further two years but Martin has decided that it is time to bring his tenure as a team owner to a close.
“This has been a tough decision to make, my heart is of course telling me to continue but in my head I know it is the right time for us to step down both as a team and a family. I have had numerous discussions with YMUK over the past couple of months and the package they have put together for us for the next two years is extremely tempting,” he said.
“I am sorry to have to let them down but when I consider the personal commitment required for another two years I just feel that a decade has been enough and it is time to step back. Anyone who has run a team will know how much personal investment it takes, how much it takes over your entire diary for the year and how many sacrifices you have to make in order to run it properly. I would therefore like to save the biggest thanks of all to my girls, Sonya, Toni, Rachael (and Katie’s baby sitters), without whose support, none of this would have been in any way possible.
“Finally, I would just like to thank everyone for their support of the team over the years, the fans have been fantastic and the support from local media has also been very positive. The exposure for our haulage company has been excellent and Mar-Train as a brand has certainly grown over the ten years along with our team and its successes. I have many excellent memories and friendships to take away with me and I will continue to be an avid supporter of motorcycle racing despite not being involved. I wish all the riders, teams and officials a safe and successful 2017.”