Michael Dunlop is aiming to add the MCE Ulster Grand Prix lap record to his North West 200 and Isle of Man TT benchmarks when the event kicks off this weekend.
The Ballmoney man, who is set to renew his rivalry with Ian Hutchinson, has set a scorching international roads pace so far in 2016 and would like to remove Bruce anstey from the top of the UGP tree.
“I’ve had a good year already with wins in the big bike races at the internationals so I’m happy enough. If you look at my times at the TT I could have done a 134mph, but Dundrod is the place where we really need to step it up now. For sure the wind and the tyres will be big things, but we’re supposed to be in for a good turn in the weather and the track is looking really good so we should be alright,” said Dunlop.
The 27 year-old already has seven wins to his name at the UGP but the one accolade that eludes him is the lap record. Close rival Bruce Anstey remains the world’s fastest road racer with his 133.977mph lap at Dundrod in 2010, but Dunlop insists his primary focus will be on finding a strong set-up for the race.
“The big bike is good. We’ve had a couple of problems with the other two but we should have them sorted easily enough. We just need to work with what we’ve got here and try to make a good package for Saturday. I want to be right for Saturday’s race, that’s the big one.”
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