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TT 2016: Anstey cruises to 122mph first lap on RCV

Valvoline Padgett’s Bruce Anstey has completed his shakedown lap on the Honda RCV and said it feels like a 600cc to ride but is lighter than the middleweight machine.

The Kiwi set a 122mph lap from a standing start in this evening’s practice and had so far done one circuit of the Mountain course, going through the Sulby speed trap at 179.4mph but then set a 192.3mph on his third lap.

“It’s pretty good, the V4 power is so smooth. It feels like a 600 to ride but is lighter than a 600, flip slops so easy without even having to try,” Anstey said at the grandstand. “Out of corners it launches out nicely. It is surprising how stable it is. There are a few tweaks here and there but it is surprising how good it is on a first lap.”


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