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TT 2018: Injured William Dunlop pulls out

William Dunlop has pulled out of TT 2018 after two nights of practice as he is still too beaten up from his North West 200 crash.

the Ballymoney man got spat over the highside of his Temple Golf R1 at Church in the first Superstock race and despite a week to try and get fit enough to ride on the Isle of Man, he has called it a day.

“This is a very difficult decision and not one I have taken lightly, I can only apologise to the team and all of our sponsors but I believe that continuing would be the wrong decision and would not give a true account of either myself or the team," said Dunlop.


"I would like to thank Tim especially for how understanding and supportive he has been over the past few weeks, I obviously feel like I have let him and the team down but they have stood by me throughout. I am going to head home and take some time to recuperate before making a decision on when I will be back on the Temple Yamahas.”

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