Arch nerfer-offer Robbin Harms had a handbags at 20 paces moment with Parkalgar Honda's Miguel Praia after the pair came together during Sunday's World Supersport race at Phillip Island.
Praia managed to seriously outbrake himself and crashed into Harms on the fourth lap, forcing the Danish rider off the track. Harms, however, came off better than Praia who properly lobbed it. Harms, whose own website is entitled 'In Harms' Way', re-joined the race and managed a championship point while Praia went back to the garage for a stern ticking off from Sergeant Major Buckmaster.
In a huge pot, kettle, black moment Harms, who has been the nerfer ten times more often than he has been the nerfee (ask Johnny Rea, for example), stormed into the Parkalgar garage, even after the Portugese rider had an apology turned down, throwing fists in a massive dummy-out moment.
He was ejected Eugene Laverty's girlfriend, who weighs four stone wringing wet, and the next day the pair were spotted in Subway and it was all forgotten. Bless.