Returning Alstare Brux Suzuki rider Max Neukirchner has been taken to hospital with back injuries following his crash at the Tamburello Curve in this morning's first test session.
It is thought the German, who is still recovering from the massive first-turn crash at Monza, has a cracked vertebrae after doctors at the track X-rayed him. He has been taken to the nearby Bologna hospital.
Scans have revealed a D12 dorsal vertebra fracture in his lower back as well as three minor cracks in the right L1, L2 and L3 lumbar vertebrae. Neukirchner will return to Germany and must remain at total rest in a plaster cast for 30 days.
"I am not sure why I crashed, but I have injured myself some more and so I must start the recovery process all over again. Yesterday was not so bad and I showed that I could ride the bike OK after some weeks away," said Neukirchner.
"I was looking forward to a second full day on the track, so it was a big pity that I fell. It seems that I have cracked or damaged some vertebra and so I must go back to my hospital in Germany and get everything checked out. Once that is done, my doctors will work out a programme for me and I will start treatment and rehabilitation. I have done this before, so I know I can do it again."