TV star and occasional road racer Guy Martin will make his first attempt at the Motorcycle World Landspeed Record at the Bonneville Salt Flats next month after a successful run to 274.2mph two weeks ago.
Martin will try to take the Triumph Infor Rocket Streamliner past the current mark of 376.8mph on an 11 mile-long course. Despite having a good course surface for testing the team felt that the salt wasn’t yet fully capable of supporting a top-speed streamliner run.
In consultation with FIM course manager Mike Cook, the team are targeting the September dates as the best possible opportunity for the optimal course conditions required for the record attempt.
We achieved a great deal during our test week at Bonneville and feel we are in a great position to move ahead with our record attempt. Guy settled into the streamliner very quickly and impressed us with the speed in which he mastered both the motorcycle and riding on the salt,” said designer Matt Markstaller.
“While conditions were some of the best I have seen over the last few years, we feel there is still some room for improvement. When chasing a record such as this on two wheels the conditions have to be the very best they can be, to give us the greatest chance of achieving the speeds we require to set a new record. We feel that waiting a few further weeks will provide us with even better conditions and put us in the ideal position to make our record attempt.”